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Frida script for bypassing React Native Jail Monkey checks
Frida script for bypassing React Native Jail Monkey checks
Crypto Identifier Script for Android + bugs fixed for strict mode, better output --- Tags: show crypto, secretkey, messagedigest, hash, mac show operations, key
Script for creating and interacting with BroadcastReceiver instances
Frida script to bypass proxy/VPN detection is iOS implemented via the CFNetworkCopySystemProxySettings function using CFNetwork Module
dump SQL queries on iOS
Android Crypto Interceptor is a Frida script that intercepts and logs cryptographic operations in Android apps, providing detailed information about algorithms, input/output data, and key generation.
bypass react-native-device-info emulator detection
Trace invocations of the RegisterNatives JNI API, to identify native functions registered from within native code on runtime
iOS Biometrics Bypass
For iOS, advanced path checking for jailbreak artifacts. intercepts some jailbreak-related functions. robust detection & neutralization of jailbreak attempts.
FridaSwiftDump a Frida tool for retriving the Swift Object info from an running app.
Disable ssl pinning with TrustKit and an example of function replacement
Print all SQL queries executed from android sqlite, and sqlcipher
Jailbreak bypass with Sileo/cydia and others paths, this script also tries to bypass common anti tampers, like ptrace, sysctl and getppid. This script DONT use resolver [** isJail**] and this script is not a silver bullet thanks :)
bypassing SSL Pinning for okhttp4 based on @pcipolloni and @akabe1