Projects by popularity

Add JavaScriptInterface to any WebView

0 | 483

Uploaded by: @FrankSpierings

How it works: - It registers a new WebAppInterface class, which contains the functions to be exported (example showToast) - It then hooks the Activity to obtain a valid context - It then hooks the WebView.loadUrl method, to add a context specific WebAppInterface instance - Lastly, it overrides the annotation checks and instructs that all requested methods are allowed to be requested.


0 | 947

Uploaded by: @bsxp

This script will add HttpLoggingInterceptor at OkHttpClient, so the HttpLoggingInterceptor will print all requests and responses.


0 | 5

Uploaded by: @monkeywave

This project hooks common SSL libraries on Android to intercept TLS functions. By attaching to the SSL_CTX_new function and installing the SSL_CTX_set_keylog_callback on exit, it prints SSL/TLS session keys in the standard SSLKEYLOG format to the terminal. This allows users to capture the keys needed to decrypt TLS traffic (e.g., from pcap files) with tools that support the SSLKEYLOG format.