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Uploaded by: @ninjadiary
Secret diary of ninja's OkHTTP General Hooks
Secret diary of ninja's OkHTTP General Hooks
Ver dados do dispositivo em tempo de execucao
Only for Uncrackable L1.
This would bypass the biometric authenticationj when the NULL CryptoObject is accepted.Script Courtesy - F-secure-Labs.
A script that will extract/intercept certificates from the Android+OpenSSL based binary by hooking the i2d_X509 function to retrieve it's DER content.
Rebase of an existing script. Created for personal use.
frida script for bypassing root detection implemented with rootbeer library - https://github.com/scottyab/rootbeer
my custom ssl cert path for unpinning
Bypass to all modules callback from freeRASP Android
Get Message Diges
Log okhttp3 http(s) communication by overloading RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor
Quick tool to censor (replace with *) hashes being written to the disk. Useful, for example, for log daemons or applications where we need to filter hashes for confidentiality.
Mascarar a localizaƧao no app
OkHttp Hostname Verifier bypass
Cross-platform Frida CodeShare script loader.