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OkHttp3 various SSL Pinning bypasses, including versions 4.2+
Script written in JavaScript to perform Android Log function hooks in search of sensitive information.
Improved version of the script originally uploaded by @dzonerzy ; modified to bypass emulator detection
Get the list of the checked paths during jailbreak detection
Dump methods from activity
Based on `andydavies/ios-tls-keylogger` with 0x2b8 callback
Biometric Bypass Script from F-Secure Lab - Constructor change for android 10
Intercept Crypto
This script monitors Android implicit intents. For use in testing "MASTG-TEST-0026: Testing Implicit Intents"
Android SSL Pinning is a Frida script powerful tool for bypassing SSL pinning in Android applications. It use the Frida framework to intercept and patch SSL pinning methods, enabling the analysis of encrypted network traffic.
Bypass the "Installed from Play Store" check