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Uploaded by: @joaoviictorti
Script written in JavaScript to perform Android Log function hooks in search of sensitive information.
Script written in JavaScript to perform Android Log function hooks in search of sensitive information.
Enumerating Native library
Script for geoposition and motion sensor activity forgery for pacer app
获取设备参数,检测改机工具能力: get device parameter
Hooks libboringssl.dylib to extract TLS keys and enables decryption of network traffic from iOS apps to be decrypted. Tested on iPhone 5s running iOS 12.4.2 jailbroken with Checkrain.
Dynamically tracing Java function calls within a given package
Automatic Magic Code Locating 010 Editor App for macOS Loader(Bypass License Patcher) Created by B.S. Usage: frida --codeshare iDone/automatic-magic-code-locating-loader -f /Applications/010\ Editor.app/Contents/MacOS/010\ Editor --no-pause
Change various Android Device Characteristics in order to return a Log4J payload
Disables jailbreak detection in the Vipps app
OkHttp3 various SSL Pinning bypasses, including versions 4.2+
The secret diary of ninja scripts' regarding TextView General Hooking
Display some info about hashing routine called on Android application
TCP Dump iOS 14
Bypass SSL certificate pinning for okhttp3
Spoof location in iOS application