Bypass React Native Emulator Detection
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Uploaded by: @khantsithu1998
bypass react-native-device-info emulator detection
bypass react-native-device-info emulator detection
bypassing SSL Pinning for okhttp4 based on @pcipolloni and @akabe1
Script for creating and interacting with BroadcastReceiver instances
Crypto: A Suite of frida scripts regarding cryptography for general penetration testing and research purposes
A ssl-keylogger made from the code of andydavies, just changed the offset according to comments
This script has various Jailbreak detection bypass techniques.
Use output log
Universal Android SSL Pinning Bypass
iOS Biometrics Bypass
Android Crypto Interceptor is a Frida script that intercepts and logs cryptographic operations in Android apps, providing detailed information about algorithms, input/output data, and key generation.
For iOS, advanced path checking for jailbreak artifacts. intercepts some jailbreak-related functions. robust detection & neutralization of jailbreak attempts.
dump SQL queries on iOS
Cheap n'dirty
Modified version of
Solution to FridaLab Android application
Its Tuesday! All you can eat dynamic crypto class dumpy hooker! Sidestep kill switch dance moves even!