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Uploaded by: @d3z3n0v3
Dynamically tracing Java function calls within a given package
Dynamically tracing Java function calls within a given package
Bypass SSL certificate pinning for okhttp3
Este script Frida intercepta as classes IvParameterSpec e SecretKeySpec em Java para capturar e registrar vetores de inicialização (IV) e chaves secretas usados em operações de criptografia. Ele converte esses valores em strings hexadecimais e os exibe no console, evitando repetições.
Boilerplate for a CLI tool using frida-python
Trying to bypass the RASP of JailMonkey, XOXO.
Get permissions dynamically
Rebase of an existing script. Created for personal use.
This Code is running and bypassing latest okhttp3 with obfuscated code.
get child's process id of fork
Root detection phBank | showLoginPage() in checkifDeviceRooted()
Bypass SSL Pinning
Override MacBook charging smartness
Bypass Facebook SSL pinning on Android devices.
bypass SSL Pinning TIKTOK