Instrumenting Native Android Functions using Frida
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Uploaded by: @salecharohit
AdBlock for YouTube's iOS app
Hook the global constructor of a shared library
Some Android apps do not allow to run when the developer mode is enabled on the device. This script was written for bypassing developer mode check on an Android app.
Simple Script to make Android Toast works with Remote + Non-Rooted Device
Enable WebView debugging for all iOS apps (Jailbreak required).
load into launchd to get working bootstrap_look_up
Black-box fuzzing of URL schemes for iOS apps using SpringBoard. Automates launching the app via URL, backgrounding, and checking for a crash. Bonus function to dump all registered URL schemes.
Show info about methods and classes loaded via reflection on Android application
Strace by Frida: prints system calls (SVC) and parses args/flags/errors. More at
Bypass SSL certificate validation for the injected app on iOS 10/11
Crypto Identifier Script for Android + bugs fixed for strict mode, better output --- Tags: show crypto, secretkey, messagedigest, hash, mac show operations, key
bypass react-native-device-info emulator detection
Frida script to bypass proxy/VPN detection is iOS implemented via the CFNetworkCopySystemProxySettings function using CFNetwork Module